What did the elephant say to the naked man?.Why does the doctor smack babies on the butt after they are born?.To make sure the dicks get knocked off the smart ones. Old Edna at the nursing home tells old Harry that if he shows her his penis, she can tell him his age.He pulls down his pants, and she looks and says, “You’re 88.” “Wow,” he says. “How did you guess that?” “You told me yesterday,” Edna replied.
There are three naughty boys in a classroom: Zip, Dick, and Pea.The teacher comes back and says, “Hey! Zip down, Dick out, and Pea in the corner!” The teacher leaves the room and Zip gets on top of her desk, Dick goes inside a cabinet, and Pea runs out the window and waves. What happened to the man who built a penis out of LEGOs?.Did you know that men have three knees?.The right knee, the left knee, and the wee knee.
It gets hard for no reason, and it is much too short.